RARE METTLE: People with the courage to Explore a Better Future

It takes courage to effect real change in the world. PAM aligns with a brave new future, by exploring rare metal. With rare mettle. And by honouring those leading the changes.

STEVE JOBS – for his unwavering vision

When we’re looking for leaders, there are few better examples than the pioneer of one of the world’s most successful companies, Apple. Redefining the tech industry with a simple and stylish personal computer, Apple’s meteoric rise to a household name was spearheaded by a man who needs no introduction. Steve Jobs.

From the very outset, he believed in his vision to explore and create a better future. In the words of Richard Branson, “Steve Jobs’ leadership style was autocratic; he had a meticulous eye for detail,
and surrounded himself with like-minded people to follow his lead.” Put simply, he was reluctant to delegate. He insisted on being integrally involved in every fabric of Apple’s endeavours, leading the vision forward for every new venture. And keeping everything true to the Apple brand.

But Jobs wasn’t just known for being a rigid perfectionist. He was also a man of his people, a hard worker and a creative soul who fell deeply in love with every part of his work. The result of his passion was a steadfast creative vision to build a company on one core value — simplicity — putting the user at the centre, or dare we say the core, of everything.

At the same time, Steve wasn’t a micromanager. He valued his employees’ contributions, and listened to what they had to say and show him — empowering them to make brilliant decisions in line with his creative vision. Like he famously said, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do.”

Even in the wake of his untimely death, Apple continues to grow and flourish, guided by his evergreen leadership principles and the company’s unwavering commitment to simplicity. Today, it’s one of the most valuable companies in the world — and looks set to remain that way for years to come.

Written for Pan Asia Metals by Josh Bryer

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