RARE METTLE: People with the courage to Explore a Better Future

It takes courage to effect real change in the world. PAM aligns with a brave new future, by exploring rare metal. With rare mettle. And by adopting the best from those who lead change.

NELSON MANDELA – for his indestructible conviction.

Nelson ‘Madiba’ Mandela became South Africa’s first democratically elected president in 1994. But it’s the road to that milestone that tells the true story of his bulletproof belief.

Nelson spent his childhood listening to stories of his ancestors’ valour in the wars of resistance — and dreamed of making his own contribution. At uni he studied for a BA,
but was expelled for joining a student protest in 1941. After moving to Johannesburg,
he became intrigued with the Law and completed a 2-year legal diploma.

Armed with knowledge, Nelson became increasingly politically active, and joined the African National Congress in 1944 to rally against the evils of Apartheid. He quickly rose through its ranks, and when the ANC was banned, Mandela saw the inside of jail cells and courtrooms until, in 1964, he was sentenced to life for Treason.

In his 27 years behind bars, he remained a bastion of hope for a democratic South Africa. Instead of hating his oppressors, he motivated for peace talks. And faced with his unbreakable spirit, the system buckled.

In 1990, Mandela was released — and 4 years later, he became South Africa’s first Black President at the age of 76. Still, revenge never entered his mind. Instead, he spoke of a new “Rainbow Nation”, uniting the whole country behind the white Springbok team lifting the 1995 Rugby World Cup.

His enduring hope healed a broken country, by looking ahead, not over its shoulder.
And for his sacrifices, he will never be forgotten.

Written for Pan Asia Metals by Josh Bryer

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